I’ve been in my *ahem* “industry” for a year and a half now, and working in-person for one year next month, and I have gotten, well, let’s just say MANY inquiries into whether or not I offer femdom services. The short answer has always been “no, I don’t.” The longer answer involves the fact that the space I use for my foot sessions is simply not conducive to the sort of femdom that most people are seeking. It has no sound insulation, and therefore is not sufficiently private to make it a safe idea. It also involves the fact that, while I am excellent at flying by the seat of my proverbial pants, I do like to know what I’m doing most of the time, and I like feeling at least relatively competent at something, especially if someone is trying to throw money at me for it. And with femdom, I just don’t have the skills or experience to give me that competence. Yet.
Dragging me into dominance
I’ve had friends who’ve teased me for years that I missed my calling as a professional dominatrix, and while I was teaching, I thought they might be right. But after I quit, I came to realize that it was all just a power craving. As a teacher (especially during COVID!), you can have stellar classroom management, but really, all is still chaos and you have no power. Over anything. Ever. Like, I was literally developing little OCD tendencies just to feel like I had control of something. So when I first quit, the idea of being a pro domme did have its appeal. But once I started working for myself- became my own boss, made my own schedule, didn’t have to answer to anyone, and essentially had control over EVERYTHING…then when I would have some subby somebody begging me to make a bunch of protocols for them and crack the whip, it was more like “Eh…I dunno…that sounds…extra.” And I wasn’t interested. The more I read about femdom and D/s dynamics in general, the more I came to understand just how much work it is to dominate someone. (I also came to find out just how skewed an idea of that concept many subs seem to have, but methinks that’s a post for another day.)
But regardless of my reluctance, the femdom requests continued (and continue still) so I knew I should probably take some action. I sought out local pro dommes online to see who was in my area, and found that most of them everywhere complained about “baby dommes” coming to them, begging to be mentored while having done no work nor taken any steps on their own to educate themselves, and I knew I didn’t want to be that person. I had already dived into research of kink in general when I started working on NiteFlirt, but I started to read more about D/s specifically, and just sort of…bided my time, I guess.
Meeting Miss Katherine
One day, while scrolling Twitter, I saw a tweet by a local pro domme whose website I had already inhaled, because She was thoughtful enough to devote an entire page to “Industry Only” folks who thought they might want to pursue professional dominance. In the tweet, She was talking about just having finished a coaching session, and how rewarding She had found it to be, and how She hoped to be able to do more sessions of that sort. It was like the universe was saying, “ok, bitch, get your shit together, because it’s time to make a move.” So I did. I sat down and took my time to craft an email detailing (as concisely as I could…not an easy task) who I was, what my background was, what I was after, and what I had done so far to get there. I hit send, and I waited nervously.

Despite Her darkly tantalizing website, Katherine Control’s prompt reply was not only warm, but enthusiastic. I scheduled a training session with Her, and We hit it off like a California wildfire in August. I couldn’t help but feel (and She agreed(!)) like it smacked of kismet. She had been waiting for someone who inspired Her to mentor, and, to My profound and lasting humility and surprise, She found that person in Me. She also has a touching-if-rather-alarming degree of faith in My abilities, which I aspire to live up to.
Fast-forward several months...
…and I’ve have my first couple of duo sessions with Her, as a sort of apprentice domme, I suppose you could say. I’ve dipped my toe in the waters of fisting, bondage, electro play, chastity, flogging, strap-on worship…and in short, I’m having a blast. I’ve done well, with the little that I’ve done, and I find the work fascinating and enjoyable so far. It’s far too soon to’ve had time to solidify my identity as a domme yet. I’m still naturally more mischievous than sadistic. There are too many things I haven’t yet tried to be able to claim anything as a favorite, and I don’t know how I want to shape the femdom box to fit around Me, but it’s a process, of course. At the moment I just count Myself as immensely lucky that someone as badass as Katherine Control has taken an interest in Me.
I’m also lucky that, not only have some of Her regular subs raved about how much they enjoyed being dominated by the pair of us, I have a few regular clients of my own who are itching to give it a go, so I have much to look forward to.
So now perhaps you're wondering:
How do YOU get on the list of subs I will session with? Well, at the moment, you inquire about a duo session. Here’s the thing: I’ve always loved collaborating. It was one of My favorite things to do as a teacher, and the field of femdom offers no exception. I thrive on having someone else to play off of, someone to egg Me on. It’s SO much more fun that way! Plus, the fact remains that My own facilities do not lend themselves to femdom work, and while Katherine Control has SO kindly offered Me the use of Her private dungeon, I much prefer to use it with Her. So take the opportunity to please TWO dommes, and inquire about a duo session if you’d like to experience My domination. You could be one of the few lucky enough to have me use you as a guinea pig! Wouldn’t that be fun?!

**I should note that if you’re decidedly NOT wondering how to go about becoming one of my guinea pigs, that’s totally okay. I still adore my work as a foot fetish service provider, and I still plan on continuing to offer those services, same as I have been. Not to worry!