Piaf Pied

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Buckle up- the soapbox is out! (Let’s talk about sex work.)

I can’t wrap my brain around the handful of people (usually men, but occasionally otherwise) who scoff at the idea of paying to play with my feet. It’s almost always the egotistical “I don’t pay to play because I don’t have to” bros (sometimes “Karens” or simply other ignorant folks), and we already know how I feel about them. They seem to be under the impression that, since they are god’s gift to pussies everywhere, I should be happy to let them have what they want for free. And that, since I enjoy having my feet worshipped, I shouldn’t therefore be paid for it.

I'm sorry-- I didn't realize that one of the qualifiers for a job to be considered "work" is that you have to hate it!

Oopsie! My mistake.

Before we dive in, we need to start with a few premises here:

  1.  Sex work is work. Period. If you disagree with me, you can eat a bag of dicks– I truly don’t care. I’m not here to argue with idiots who have no idea what they’re talking about.
  2.  When informed people talk about sex workers, they are not just talking about the full-service sort. SW can include any profession that involves an erotic trade. This includes strippers/exotic dancers, escorts, FBSM providers, cam people, pro dommes/subs, porn actors and other creators of online content, etc. The list goes on. And also includes fetish service providers– like me! 😁
  3.  Obviously this is NOT a universal statement, but many sex workers…brace yourself, now- this might come as a shock: actually enjoy their work! A crazy concept, I know, but nonetheless true. We don’t ALL do it because it’s our only option, or we have no skills (newsflash: it takes a lot of skill), or because it’s easy (newsflash: it’s not), or because our daddies didn’t love us enough when we were little. It can, believe it or not, be fun, interesting, challenging, engaging, even- dare I say- rewarding work.
  4.  Despite the ridiculous stigma, there is NO SHAME in patronizing a sex worker with your business. It doesn’t say anything about you aside from the fact that you know what you’re looking for and are willing to compensate someone who can meet your needs.

Now that we've got that established...

I was going to go into my own background and how I landed myself (by choice!) in this industry, but I think I will save that for another post. Suffice it to say that I am educated (Masters degree), cultured, multi-lingual, reasonably intelligent, and “old enough to know better,” as my nana would say. I could have chosen another line of work. Hell, I could have opted to not leave my well-paying career. But I find this job to be immensely more enjoyable, rewarding, and satisfying. This is my chosen vocation, and I’m happy about it.

I enjoy my job. But it's still my job; it's how I pay the bills.

What would you say if someone approached you and asked you to do your job for free? Exactly. Can I pick up a set of shears and cut my own hair for free? Sure. But it’s gonna look like my 4-year old niece snuck up on me with safety scissors, so I’m gonna go ahead and pay a pro. If I have the choice between 2 restaurants, one that’s cheap, and the other that has the most amazing food…well, I’m gonna choose the one that suits my needs and circumstances. That’s my prerogative.

And you know what? If you don’t have to pay someone to get what you need– if you can find it yourself for free, well, bully for you, friend! If you’ve got a pal with perfect paws who doesn’t mind you gooning over them and sucking on her toes, go get your freak on and I sincerely hope it does your soul some good. But don’t carp at me because I require compensation for doing my job. If that pro stylist I mentioned happens to be a friend, sure, they might be generous enough to offer to plop me in the chair for which they pay rent and do my hair for free with their top-notch skills and equipment, simply because they love me. But if I’m asking/expecting them to because they really like doing hair…well, that makes me an entitled asshole.

I rather think the fact that I enjoy it makes it more pleasant to be in my company for a session, no? …Yet you’d only be inclined to pay me if I hated it? Or you think you’re hot enough shit that I should be begging you to eat my pussy in exchange for my services, like I can pay the mortgage with that? Well you are one condom shy of a pack, love, because that’s kinda fucked up.

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