As you might imagine, working in the field of fetish makes for some interesting requests from time to time. Ever heard of Rule #34? If you haven’t, it’s a rule that states that basically, if you can think of something, there’s already porn for it. You can look it up on Wikipedia if you want more origin details, but that’s the gist of it. Anyway, if there’s anything I’ve learned since I started working in the realm of sex, it’s that Rule #34 is absolutely legit.
Honestly, the variety and imagination involved in kink is one of the things I love and appreciate about it, so unless someone is asking me to trample living creatures underfoot (I don’t kill things, anyway, but especially not for your entertainment/wank fodder. That’s fucked up.†) then chances are good that I will at the very least be willing to entertain any idea that’s presented to me as a special request.

Don't take it for granted
What I don’t love, is when someone just assumes that I can cater to something specific, and so demands it accordingly. For example, a lot of people make the assumption that I can book them when I’m done working out at the gym, so my feet will be nice and sweaty and smelly for them. There are a couple of issues with that assumption. For one thing, I fucking hate the gym. I need my exercise cleverly disguised, which is why I get my cardio from dancing and yoga. For another, I have a circulation disorder that makes it so that my hands and feet are usually cold, and so they actually don’t get excessively sweaty. Even when they do, it doesn’t tend to smell all that strongly. Them’s the brakes; what can I say?
I’m also not especially ticklish. Well, I can be, sometimes, but not reliably so. At this point, I’m quite accustomed to people handling my feet in all kinds of ways, so they’re not super reactive in the twitchy sense, especially when I’m relaxed. If I could just flip a switch and turn it on for my clients, I would, but it just doesn’t work that way.
Also, yes, I am married, but my husband travels frequently for work, and does have his own hobbies to keep him occupied and fit. So it’s also not a safe assumption that I will have easy and/or instant access to someone else’s ejaculate. My friends may all know what I do for a living, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ask them to jerk off into a cup for me just so you can be thoroughly humiliated to your liking.
However, you also don’t need to entirely throw up your hands in despair and write me off if smelly feet (or whatever) is what does it for you. I’m all about being able to cater to clients’ desires whenever I’m reasonably able, especially if they show some appreciation for my efforts.
I do have a regular who is all about the smelly feet, and I’ve found a bit of a work-around for him that seems to be effective (I mean, he keeps coming back, sooo…*shrug*). What I do is keep a pair of dirty socks in my dance bag (yes, my feet do sweat when I’ve been dancing long enough), and wear them out dancing from time to time to keep them…er…fresh. When I have an appointment with this client, I simply put those socks on, along with my old, nasty, retired dance shoes that I wore for, like, 4 years. I wear them for a couple of hours before his appointment to let my feet meld with the scent, and then wear them to the session so he can take them off my feet himself and get as much of that sweet funk as possible. Like I said, I’ve never heard a complaint, and I see him a couple times a month.
Point being: yes, I will do what I can (within reason) to make your foot fetish fantasy come true. But even if it doesn’t look like there’s any extra work put in on my end during the session, keep in mind that there is some planning involved for me, and some deviation from my normal routine. I don’t make it a habit to wear nasty socks (or keep them in my dance bag) in nasty shoes around the house/town on an everyday basis– it’s strictly a means to an end for a client. So if what you’re after requires special preparation from me in some way, don’t be surprised if it also involves a slight upcharge (depending on the degree of said preparation), and– especially if I opt to not charge you extra– a little extra appreciation from you of your own accord is definitely appreciated by me, and will also help ensure that I’m willing to jump through those hoops for you again sometime when you decide to come back for more. 😘
† Yes, I said a kink was fucked up. Yes, I am kink-shaming, which I am typically very much against. I’ve said before that I will die on the hill of “if it’s between consenting adults, you should be able to get your freak on as you please.” But here’s the thing: snails and slugs and bugs and lizards and all manner of other living creatures do not and cannot qualify as consenting adults, and I feel they have as much right to exist as you or I do. We all have our place in this world. They don’t deserve to be killed to satisfy your perversions. Consent is what differentiates kink from abuse. You remove the consent factor, and then you’re just an asshole.