Brace for impact, because I'm dropping knowledge Stinky/dirty feet and much more
I’ve written about the challenges of smelly/dirty feet before in this post, but it’s come to my attention that there is more that needs to be understood. So while you’re getting ready to expand your views, let me take you back for just a moment. If you’ve read anything about my background, you know that I was a teacher for nearly a decade. I probably still would be to this day, if it hadn’t finally stressed me out to the point of becoming a husk of a human. One of the reasons teaching is so stressful is because it’s important. Teachers help build the developing humans that will very soon become the ones leading society. That’s a lot of pressure. And if you’re not feeling that pressure as a teacher…you’ve probably become jaded to the point of not caring. I didn’t quite get to that point, thankfully, and I cared deeply about my students. It was emotionally exhausting.
By the time I quit teaching, all I wanted was a job that didn’t matter, for a change. The ability to do a job, be done with it, and not spend the rest of my evening hemming and hawing over whether or not I did the right thing, or got through to that kid, or would need to review xyz concepts the following day. To not be kept awake at night worrying about that kid who got suspended for making a dumb choice. And, most of all, to not be expected to do a shitload of prep work outside of my paid work hours for no compensation. That was the dream, my friends. I wanted a job I didn’t have to take home and didn’t have to care about.
I failed utterly in that pursuit.
Yes, as a sex worker.
Sex work fucking matters. Sex workers are healers. Sex workers are valuable members of society, whether you think so or not. (And if you’re in the latter camp…why TF are you here??) My job still matters, and I still care deeply about my reputation as a provider and the impact that I am capable of having on my clients. But you know what? It’s fine, because, really, it’s part of what I love about this job. And obviously I can’t avoid taking my job home, because I’m often working from there in the first place. That’s also great. You know what’s not so great? (And yes, I swear I am bringing this back to smelly feet– bear with me, if you please.) What’s not so great is when clients still expect me to do the prep without the pay.
Bringing it back...
You’ve maybe heard me talk about having a circulation disorder thing. You’ve maybe heard me give the caveat that my feet really don’t sweat all that much, and when they do, they really don’t smell all that strongly. There’s not a ton I can do about it– them’s just the breaks, kid. 🤷🏼♀️
But because I like to be able to cater to lots of different foot-related fetishes, I have done what I can to find work-arounds, but here’s the thing: that shit takes prep.
Part of my job is maintaining my feet. They are literally the money-makers. I do what I have to do to protect them and their physical integrity. I’ve gotten dance shoes that are sturdier and offer more coverage, I don’t go barefoot as often as I used to, and I get pedicures at least every-other week. I’ve had to make tweaks to my lifestyle and habits to take care of the things that earn me my living.
And when I get a client who wants smelly, sweaty, dirty feet, I have to make changes to my lifestyle and habits to try to cater to those desires.
I have had clients request to buy me nylons ahead of time, and then request that they be as sweaty/sweat-stained/dirty as possible. My dude. Do you have ANY idea how long I have to wear something like that before it gets sweat-stained?? If you’re getting me these nylons for your session, unless you’re booking, like, a year in advance, I don’t think I can sweat-stain those tights for you.
The only time I can count on my feet getting sweaty is when I go dancing, which, granted, is usually 2+ times per week. But even if you wanted to book a session for the day after I’ve gone dancing, I sure as shit have no desire to wear fucking pantyhose while I’m at it the night before! That sounds like a special stifling hell to me. If you want me to suffer through a night of dancing in nylons just so you can get off on them later, you had best be ready and willing to incentivize that shit to the point where I’m excited to do it.

Why Dirty Feet Require Extra Prep – My Professional Boundaries?
Because not only am I inconveniencing myself for the sake of your orgasm, I’m also being forced to think about work and clients– to plan— while I’m supposed to be living my happy civilian life. That’s prep, my friends. And as an ex-teacher, I don’t do unpaid prep anymore. Sorry, not sorry.
The Reality of ‘Dirty Feet’ Sessions: A Peek Behind the Scenes
I think I’ve carped sufficiently about the challenges of sweaty/stinky for now. So now let’s talk a bit about dirty.
I mentioned somewhere in my ramblings above that I stay pretty conscious of maintaining my feet. This hippie-child doesn’t go barefoot nearly as often as she used to. Toes are delicate things, and breaking or otherwise maiming them affects my livelihood. Even little nicks and cuts and such make it riskier for both me and my clients to allow them to put my feet in their mouth. Think about it– you don’t cut your finger and then have someone suck on it, do you? (If that’s your kink…cool. 🙄 It’s not mine.)
The Challenges of Dirty Feet Sessions: Risks, Prep, and Why It Matters?
Plus, going around barefoot can expose you to nasty little buggers like parasites and such. I have a friend who insists on gardening barefoot for a good portion of the year, and tells me quite nonchalantly that he regularly gets warts from it. I can’t work with warts on my feet.
It’s never my preference to have dirty feet for extended periods of time, so usually when I have a client who requests dirty feet, I’m doing what I can to make them dirty shortly before their appointment (there’s that sneaky little PREP thing, again!). This means that I have to forego those precautions that I normally take, and walk around barefoot. Except walking around barefoot usually isn’t sufficient to get my feet noticeably dirty (I’m fortunate enough to live in a house that does not have dirt floors)– it would be more accurate to say that I’m moonwalking around barefoot. Dragging and shuffling and scuffing my feet around the house to try to coat them in whatever I can manage to get to stick. (Don’t even get me started on how much dog hair I have to brush off with this. Jesus.)
From Dirty Feet to Happy Clients: The Effort and Risks Behind the Scenes
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried intentionally perambulating this way, but I’m here to tell you that it puts you at significantly higher risk for injury– stubbed toes, grinding tiny sharp bits that may have been missed by the broom into my soft soles, which also brings to mind the fact that I’m typically doing what can to avoid the formation of calluses, not the other way ’round. And all this risk…so that you can lick my feet clean while your dick gets hard.
The Hidden Work Behind Dirty Feet Requests: What Clients Need to Know
That INCENTIVE word comes in to play here, yet again: if you want me to take the time to do the prep as carefully as I can, you need to make it worth my while, friend. That’s really all it boils down to. Yes, it’s a bit easier in summer– I do tend to wear sandals a LOT, and yes, feet do get dirtier in sandals. But this time of year, when it’s freezing outside? The last client I had to dirty my feet for meant that I spent the entire morning before their session shuffling around my house, moonwalking laps through the kitchen while I ate my breakfast, and dragging my feet purposely through the muddy dog prints by the back door…and then I still barely had darkened soles to show for all that. That’s not my idea of an enjoyable morning.
The moral of the story...
Point being, dear reader/client: if your request involves me presenting my feet to you in some state other than that in which I normally maintain them, it’s going to require planning and preparation on my end. And if I’m doing that planning and preparation prior to your appointment (the time you’re paying for), then you need to also be ready and willing to pay for that other time of mine that you are occupying by nature of your request.
Hopefully no one is feeling shamed for having their dirty/smelly foot fetish– lord knows that is NOT my intention. We should all know by now that I am not a kink-shamer. All I am saying is, my job is legit, and nobody should expect anyone to work for free. That is all.
(also #payteachersmore)