If you actually read my blog, then you’ve probably read the post I wrote after I started doing duo sessions with my pro domme mentor, Miss Katherine Control. I’ve had sooo much fun doing duos with her, sort of apprentice-style– it’s been a blast. I’m still working on my humiliation/degradation skills, since they were NOT inherent at all, and gentler teasing is all that typically comes naturally to me in that domain. But when I can play off of Katherine, I definitely have an easier time of it. We sort of egg each other on, I suppose, and it’s really quite delightful.
But Katherine’s true love and forte is erotic hypnosis. She started nudging me harder in that direction a month or two ago, convinced that I, too, could become pretty damn proficient if I put my mind to it. She was even kind enough to get me hooked up with some training from another hypno specialist, a man this time, who happens to write hypno scripts professionally. (Am I a lucky girl? Why yes, yes, I am.) After I’d read a book about basics and undergone a couple of training sessions, one of which involved putting Katherine herself into trance (nerve-wracking, to say the least) she told me my homework was to write my own erotic hypnosis script. Eeek.
Sticking with my strong suits
I’ve always been a decent writer. Even as young as eleven years old, I was invited to a young authors conference, and then, of course, eventually went on to become an English teacher and librarian. Suffice it to say that I have a solid appreciation for the written word, and since it has always tended to come easily to me, I was always the student who put off writing papers until the night before…and then still managed to ace the assignment. This assignment, however, was different, and I knew I was going to have to do things differently accordingly.
I struggled initially to decide upon a topic– one of things I learned quickly about hypno is that it is very much limited only by your imagination…which I think can be both freeing and intimidating at the same time. I asked Katherine if she had any guidance to get myself moving in the right direction. She suggested that I could always stick with what I know best: feet. That was enough.
Aiming for versatility

I was fairly confident I could wax poetic about feet, but I knew I needed to make sure it catered both to foot fetishists and hypno fetishists, so starting from the assumption that the listener was already gooning over feet just wouldn’t be practical. But what about convincing them that they could be into feet? What if I, in fact, used the whole trance to familiarize the listener with the idea of thinking about feet as erotic– my feet, specifically. And so, So You’re Not Into Feet… was born.
It took a couple rounds of edits and revisions to get it to where Katherine and I were both happy with it, but before too long, I had a legit hypno script, complete with induction and wake-up. After an afternoon in Katherine’s mini recording studio, I had a half-hour-long audio file, too. And then, after a few beta testers who were neither foot nor hypno fetishists, commented that my voice was “super hot,” I had a finished product. And then…I let it sit.
I knew it wasn’t garbage or anything, I just didn’t know who would take me seriously as any kind of hypnotist. Surely the joke would be on them, if they did. But then Lady Pim released the Bed Post Podcast episode with my interview, and if you’ve heard it, you may have noticed that I mention this foray into hypno in the interview. At any rate, Katherine noticed. And she of course proceeded to prod me that, since the episode had just aired, it might behoove me to finally let the file see the light of day. So I finally did…and it’s done quite well in it’s first couple of days being available to the world! I must say I’m quite pleased, and, of course, mostly have Katherine to thank for all of it.
If you find yourself curious about the mysterious realm of erotic hypnosis, or even if you just want some hot foot-based audio porn of me murmuring in your ear, you can buy the file for yourself, too.
If you want to make an account for yourself on NiteFlirt, you can buy it (and loads of photo series and a few videos) in my goodies there at this link. Or, if you’d like all the proceeds to go to me rather than giving the host site 30%, you can shoot me an email and I can hook you up directly with CashApp or Venmo. Either way, if you do decide to give it a go, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback when you’ve heard it. It’ll help me develop even better audio file content in the future, so you can keep gooning to your heart’s content. Cheers!